Our Impacts

42,113 water projects for
9.6 million people around
the world.

According to the research firm Frost & Sullivan, the estimated size of the North American used test and measurement equipment market was $446.4 million in 2004 and is estimated to grow to $654.5 million by 2011. For over 50 years, companies and governments have procured used test and measurement instruments.

78203 Volunteer around
the World

According to the research firm Frost & Sullivan, the estimated size of the North American used test and measurement equipment market was $446.4 million in 2004 and is estimated to grow to $654.5 million by 2011. For over 50 years, companies and governments have procured used test and measurement instruments.

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We Work For

We Serve For Peoples

Pure Food & Water

Inspires employees and organizations to support causes they care about. We do this to bring more resources to the nonprofits that are


Inspires employees and organizations to support causes they care about. We do this to bring more resources to the nonprofits that are


Inspires employees and organizations to support causes they care about. We do this to bring more resources to the nonprofits that are

Become a Volunteer

Inspires employees and organizations to support causes they care
about. We do this to bring more resources to the nonprofits that are changing our world.

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